Congratulations! You have made a very wise decision to learn to play the guitar. Of all the instruments you could choose to learn, guitar offers many advantages over other instruments because it’s totally portable and it’s a full sound instrument.guitar lessons are good for your brain

I teach Guitar Lessons in Temple, Texas and I also offer online tutoring and mentoring for people who do not live in the area. My Guitar, Vocal, and Performance lessons offer students the most well rounded and fun music lessons in Central Texas.

Guitar Lessons Temple TexasGuitar Lessons is one of the most popular types of musical training in the world today. Once you learn to understand and play music with your guitar, you will find a lifetime of opportunities to play. You will discover that learning to play the guitar will be one of the most valuable and rewarding personal skills you ever develop.

You may be interested in using your musical skills to become a professional musician and entertainer just like I did. I can tell you with confidence that if your goal is to go to the next level with your talent, NO ONE can help you do that like I can. I have literally written books on how to use your talent to create a part time or full time job for yourself. I have done it myself, so I know exactly what I’m talking about! That’s why other professional musicians call me “The Gig Coach”.

About Me

I have been a professional musician for many years, and yes, I am “Rockin’ Rick” from “Rockin’ Rick and the Corvettes”.  I always get that question so I thought I would go ahead and answer it here. Many people are familiar with my performance career because they have seen me perform on PBS television shows such as, “Rolling with Rockin’ Rick and the Corvettes” or they have seen me in concert over the years.

I’ve won multiple regional awards with my musical abilities, including: Best Band of the Year (3 years in a row), Male Vocalist of the Year, Entertainer of the Year, Songwriter Awards, and Awards for Commercial Jingles I’ve written and produced.Learn Guitar The Fun and Easy Way with Rick
Besides being a professional musician, I’ve been a certified Black Belt Martial Arts instructor since I was 21, and I also worked as a police officer for several years. My corporate career as a writer and nationally recognized trainer in the Martial Arts business industry brought me to Central Texas in 1995.

About My Music Lessons

My style of teaching makes learning guitar fun and easy because I know what a student needs to know – and what is a total waste of time! From the very first lesson they take with me, my students start learning practical foundational skills that will make it much, much easier to enjoy their guitar, and actually figure out songs on their own after they’ve been in my program a while.

Small Group Classes Are the Most Effective

Experience has taught me, and educational studies have shown that guitar students learn best in small group classes. There are several reasons why students learn faster and enjoy guitar classes more when they have others in the class with them. One reason is the fact that music is a group activity and students enjoy the “social interaction” with other students. Many guitar teachers are not comfortable with group classes, and that’s why few teachers offer them.

I use a combination of group and individual classes throughout my programs so my students get the most well-rounded music education possible. My core group classes are designed to teach 3 students at a time so the students can learn to accompany one another in a type of “band” setting.

I Teach Guitar In a Way That Makes Students Want to Stick With It

I invest a lot of individual time and effort in my students’ development, and I’m not really interested in students who only plan to stay in my program for a few months and then quit. There a many, many guitar students looking for good teachers, but since I can only take a limited number of students, I want my students to be willing to commit to this. As a guitar teacher, I have the opportunity to totally impact a student’s life forever with a skill that will help shape who they are, and I take that very seriously. I know what learning to play the guitar will mean to them 20 years after the last lesson they take, and I know from personal experience how valuable a good guitar education will be to them – forever!

I Teach Guitar Students to Play By Ear and By Reading Guitar Music

In order to really enjoy the guitar, a student must have a solid understanding of what they are actually playing instead of just learning to play a few chords and a few songs. I wish I would have had a good guitar teacher who could have explained to me why guitar chords follow a certain pattern, and why certain scales are played in certain keys, but unfortunately he didn’t teach the basics I needed; instead he just taught me to play some chords to a few popular songs and some guitar riffs. I had to go to college and study Music Theory before I finally understood what I was actually playing on the guitar. EVERYTHING you love about the guitar is built from some fairly simple musical concepts, and that’s what I teach my students. I know how to make learning theory fun.

My Music Teaching Studio In Temple, Texas

The environment where my students learn is a state of the art recording and performance training studio in Temple, Texas, that I’ve spent over 20 years putting together. My studio offers students a comfortable learning environment that

features top of the line professional audio equipment, including guitars, microphones, keyboards, and more.

Rockin Rick Guitar Lessons Studio Temple Texas

State of the Art Music Teaching Studio

Besides being a professional guitarist, I’m also a keyboard player and digital music composer. I have recorded hundreds of songs in my studio over the years, and one of the goals of my music program is to record my students playing, once they get to that level (usually 6 months). I have found that students love the fact that we will be making actual recordings of them when they are ready.

Here’s What I Expect From My Students:

Students need their own guitar, with a guitar case to protect it as they travel between home and the studio. I usually recommend students start out learning on an acoustic guitar, simply because it needs no amplification and the student can practice with it anywhere.

If students don’t yet have a guitar, I am happy to help them choose a great guitar that will fit their hand size and their budget. My commitment to my students is to teach in a way that excites them about playing guitar! Your ONLY commitment is to yourself, and that commitment is NOT TO QUIT!!!

As you know, anything worthwhile will take time and effort to develop. Learning Guitar will feel challenging at times, but if you hang in there even when it feels hard – It will be SO WORTH IT!! I know this for a fact.

See you in class!

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